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25 Quotes On Tolerance

25 Quotes On Tolerance

By Luke Nix "Most of what passes for tolerance today is not tolerance at all but actually intellectual cowardice. Those who hide behind that word are often afraid of intelligent ...
Book Review: So the Next Generation Will Know by Sean McDowell and J. Warner Wallace

Book Review: So the Next Generation Will Know by Sean McDowell and J. Warner Wallace

By Timothy Fox You’ve probably seen the statistics and heard the concerns. Young people are leaving the church in greater numbers than ever. While the youth of every generation share many ...
Did The Historical Jesus Rise from The Dead?

Did The Historical Jesus Rise from The Dead?

By Luke Nix Introduction - Why Is Jesus' Resurrection So Important? Those who have followed this blog know that I focus a lot of my writing on defending the compatibility of science with ...
14 Ways I Teach Apologetics to My 5-Year-Olds

14 Ways I Teach Apologetics to My 5-Year-Olds

By Natasha Crain Recently, several people have asked me, “How do you actually do this apologetics stuff at home? How do you talk to your kids about these topics?” When I get the question, ...
Messianic Prophecy and the Resurrection

Messianic Prophecy and the Resurrection

By Brian Chilton My class and I recently completed a wonderful Ph.D. seminar entitled Issues on Messianic Prophecy with Dr. Randall Price and Dr. Ed Hindson at Liberty University. ...
Why was the Head Cloth of Jesus Wrapped to the Side?

Why was the Head Cloth of Jesus Wrapped to the Side?

By Brian Chilton A friend asked me about a supposed Jewish tradition concerning the head wrapping of Jesus in the tomb. The Gospel of John notes that Peter and John (if the beloved disciple is ...
16 Bad Atheist Arguments and How to Respond to Them

16 Bad Atheist Arguments and How to Respond to Them

By Jeremy Linn With the NCAA Final Four coming to the Twin Cities this weekend, it seems appropriate to have our own little March Madness Tournament. Instead of college teams, we built a ...
J. Brian Huffling Discussion with Dr. Michael Shermer on God and Evil

J. Brian Huffling Discussion with Dr. Michael Shermer on God and Evil

By J. Brian Huffling Having seen Dr. Michael Shermer debate many times, I was excited to be able to get a chance to have a discussion with him. Shermer, the founding publisher of Skeptic ...
Twitter suspends account of pro-life movie “Unplanned”, deletes 99% of their followers

Twitter suspends account of pro-life movie “Unplanned”, deletes 99% of their followers

By Wintery Knight Wow, big social media companies like Facebook, Google, Youtube, and Twitter are really ratcheting up their suppression of any accounts that challenge their allies in the ...
Meet the New Apologists (Part 2: Advice)

Meet the New Apologists (Part 2: Advice)

By Jordan Apodaca In the last post we met seven “new apologists.” Now, we ask them crucial questions about how to start and run a young apologetics ministry. What advice would you give to ...
The Abortion Debate:  Dr. Mike Adams vs. Abortion Doctor

The Abortion Debate: Dr. Mike Adams vs. Abortion Doctor

Dr. Mike S. Adams takes on Dr. Willie Parker, an abortion doctor who has performed thousands of abortions. This debate took place on February 21, 2019 at UNC Wilmington. Although Dr. Parker ...
Meet the New Apologists (Part 1)

Meet the New Apologists (Part 1)

By Jordan Apodaca God is doing an awesome work around the world. He is calling His church back to the defense and proclamation of the Gospel and you get to be a part! If you’ve been Apologetics ...
The Deity of Christ in the Old Testament

The Deity of Christ in the Old Testament

By Ryan Leasure Most readers of the Bible affirm that the New Testament unequivocally proclaims the deity of Christ. It’s hard to read texts such as John 1:1-4, John 8:58, Romans 9:5, or ...
Seven Aspects of Jesus’s Life that are Historically Certain

Seven Aspects of Jesus’s Life that are Historically Certain

By Brian Chilton When I had struggled with my faith, it was not in the area of science. I believed that science and faith can coexist, and I still do. The God who gave the special revelation of ...
Knowledge and Certainty: Can You Know that God Exists?

Knowledge and Certainty: Can You Know that God Exists?

Mikel Del Rosario Do you have to be absolutely certain about something like “God exists” before you can say that you actually know it? Christians who talk about the evidence for God sometimes ...
Book Review: The Beauty of Intolerance

Book Review: The Beauty of Intolerance

By Luke Nix Introduction A few years ago, Sean McDowell gave a talk at the AMP Conference called "The Beauty of Intolerance." In the talk, he spoke of two different views on tolerance that ...
Cashed Out: Feminism

Cashed Out: Feminism

By Terrell Clemmons The War Against Sexual Order Has Young Men in Full Retreat Beware of the sperm-jacker, warns Dean Cardell on the men's website She's "all about getting ...
Reconciling a God of Love with the Problem of Evil

Reconciling a God of Love with the Problem of Evil

By Daniel Merritt Theologians and philosophers when engaged in explaining the mysteries of life, wrestle with two mysteries that challenge the mind and the soul. Those mysteries have to do with ...
If Christianity is True, Why Do So Many Kids Have Doubts Today?

If Christianity is True, Why Do So Many Kids Have Doubts Today?

By Natasha Crain Christianity Today recently featured an article titled, “The Biggest Hindrance to Your Kids’ Faith Isn’t Doubt. It’s Silence.” The article summarized the findings of ...

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