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Antichrists Among Us

Antichrists Among Us

By Josh Klein The Church of Satan was started by Anton Lavey in 1966[i] as an atheistic religious organization focused on hedonism and lawful citizenry. Adherents to the Church of Satan claim ...
Escaping to Pandora

Escaping to Pandora

By Al Serrato The Oscar-winning blockbuster Avatar is back in theaters in anticipation of the release of a sequel, once again wowing audiences with its 3D special effects. The plot, an allegory ...
7 Problems with the He Gets Us Campaign

7 Problems with the He Gets Us Campaign

By Natasha Crain In case you haven’t seen it yet, there’s a $100 million advertising campaign that launched this year across the United States and is aimed at helping rescue Jesus’s reputation ...
Jesus is Our Lord, Not Our Mascot.

Jesus is Our Lord, Not Our Mascot.

By Melissa Dougherty​ Some churches and people make Jesus a mascot. I’m sure a few people reading this might be scratching their heads, wondering what I mean by this. Others know exactly what I ...
Is a Perfect Being Possible?

Is a Perfect Being Possible?

By Al Serrato Many atheists claim that the God described in the Bible is not possible. They raise philosophical challenges meant to show that inherent in the very nature of God are ...
Can Atheism Account for Objective Morality?

Can Atheism Account for Objective Morality?

By Ryan Leasure  Do objective morals exist? That is to say, are certain actions right or wrong irrespective of what people think? Philosphers and moral scientists have wrestled over the question ...
Got Doubts? Stop Doing This!

Got Doubts? Stop Doing This!

By Erik Manning From working in public apologetics ministry for a few years now, one common mistake I see from Christians struggling with their faith is that they try and prematurely flex their ...
Why Most People Would Rather Be Right Than Find the Truth

Why Most People Would Rather Be Right Than Find the Truth

By Mike Taylor Can we be honest with each other for a minute and admit that being right feels good? It makes you feel powerful. When you’re right, it implies that someone else is wrong, which ...
Tweets Against Christianity

Tweets Against Christianity

By Tim Stratton  Scott Clifton is a Hollywood actor who has gained fame as a soap opera star (One Life to Live, General Hospital, and The Bold and the Beautiful). He has also gained the respect ...
UFOS, Aliens, And Christianity

UFOS, Aliens, And Christianity

By J. Brian Huffling many people throughout history and across the world have claimed to have seen UFOs and even have experiences with what are normally described as aliens. I’ve always had a ...
Archaeology and Apologetics

Archaeology and Apologetics

By Deanna Huff Upon entering the British Museum, the first display I encountered was the Assyrian section. The room was full of rocks voicing stories of the past. My breath was taken away as I ...
How We Got Our Bible: The KJV Only Movement

How We Got Our Bible: The KJV Only Movement

By Ryan Leasure This final post will consider the short-comings of the King James (KJV) Only Movement. Nothing New Under The Sun In many respects, the KJV Only Movement is hardly novel. People ...
Five Signs of Spiritual Maturity

Five Signs of Spiritual Maturity

By Melissa Dougherty​ We all want to be wise in our spiritual walk. We want to grow and make good choices that are right in the long run. We want to exhibit wisdom in all areas of life and be ...
The Historical Paul Vs. The Legendary Paul?

The Historical Paul Vs. The Legendary Paul?

by Erik Manning Skeptical critics argue that Luke wasn’t a traveling companion of Paul’s. Why do they say this? Let’s discuss one reason. NT scholar Uta Ranke-Heinemann asserts that in: “Acts ...
The Balance of Law and Love

The Balance of Law and Love

by Tony Williams Perhaps you, like me, have had the experience of being stopped by a police officer for a traffic offense such as speeding. I recall well the feeling of burning anger that the ...
My Heavens – Not in the Stars

My Heavens – Not in the Stars

By Josh Klein The Four Horsemen of atheism stormed the cultural, philosophical, and spiritual scene in the early 21st Century. Their dogmatic atheistic positions (or even anti-theist depending ...
How We Got Our Bible: Modern Translations

How We Got Our Bible: Modern Translations

By Ryan Leasure This article will consider the differences among the modern translations. Translation Theory Have you ever wondered why Bible translations differ from one another? For example, ...
How Mainstream Media Gaslights Christians (and Everyone Else Who Disagrees with Them)

How Mainstream Media Gaslights Christians (and Everyone Else Who Disagrees with Them)

By Natasha Crain I had a revelation last week that, in retrospect, was many years overdue. So overdue that it borders on embarrassing to admit this was a revelation in 2022. Here it ...
Are We All Born Children of God?

Are We All Born Children of God?

by Melissa Dougherty Many believe that all humans are born children of God. Is this true? I want to examine the Bible's words about this beautiful theological truth. Spoiler alert- It’s true. ...
Why The Bible Depicts God As Jealous

Why The Bible Depicts God As Jealous

By Al Serrato In my last post, I tried to make the case that God neither “needs” nor “demands” our praise. I acknowledged that he does, however, expect it, because praise naturally flows to a ...

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